How to learn new BMX bike tricks: tips and advice for improving your skills.-:Complete Guide

Are you looking to take your BMX bike skills up a notch? You’ve come to the right place!

In this guide, you’ll get actionable tips on how to learn more BMX bike tricks, with advice on how to practice safely and efficiently. So grab your helmet and let’s get started!

BMX biking is an exciting and invigorating sport for avid cyclists and thrillseekers alike. By learning a variety of advanced tricks on your BMX bike, you can take your skill level to the next level and wow onlookers with inspiring stunts. With practice and dedication, you can go from a new rider to an expert stuntman.

Taking the time to research safety protocols, invest in high-quality protective gear and try out different strategies for learning ‘freestyle’ BMX bike tricks will give you a better understanding of the basics before attempting anything too strenuous or risky. However, it’s important to note that this guide will not cover information needed to compete at professional levels; but instead provide tips that could benefit someone who’s just starting out or looking to refine their existing skillset.

By following along with this guide, you’ll learn what steps you need to take before attempting any extreme trick on your BMX bike, find out the correct techniques used when landing such maneuvers safely and discover some expert advise on how you can continue improving your skill level.

Brief overview of BMX biking and the importance of learning new tricks

BMX stands for Bicycle Motorcross and is an energy-filled and fast-paced extreme sport that combines bicycle stunts with rhythm and balance. It is popular with many people of all ages as it can not only be incredibly exciting to participate in, but also fun to watch.

For those looking to impress their peers with spectacular tricks and improve their BMX biking skills, learning new BMX bike tricks is essential.

Whether you are a beginner just starting off or an experienced rider looking to brush up on some old techniques, learning new BMX bike tricks can help you become a better rider. Along with building confidence while performing at your best, it can also help make BMX more fun as every new trick achieved expands your current skill set. Learning new BMX bike tricks requires patience, practice and dedication – all of which are important for perfecting each move until its mastered.

With the right attitude and guidance from expert riders or teaching programs, anyone can learn how to better themselves via the world of BMX biking. This complete guide will discuss the basics of what should be taken into consideration when learning new BMX bike tricks as well as providing useful tips and advice from experts in the field.

Thesis statement outlining the purpose of the guide

This guide provides useful tips and advice to help beginner BMX riders learn new tricks and improve their skills. By focusing on basic fundamentals, mastering the basics, and taking advantage of opportunities to practice, any aspiring rider can develop the skill level necessary to be competitive in BMX biking.

Additionally, by setting achievable goals, taking measured risks, and constantly striving for improvement riders can develop their overall skill level. With dedication and hard work any rider can take their BMX riding skills to a higher level.

Basic BMX bike tricks

The world of BMX bike tricks can seem a bit daunting for beginners. Here are some basic tricks that you can use to start off on the path to becoming a better rider:

  1. Bunny hop: This is one of the most fundamental BMX bike tricks, and once you get it down, other more advanced moves become easier. It involves pulling up both of your wheels while in mid-air, giving you greater control and allowing you to keep riding after landing.
  2. Manual: A manual is essentially like doing a wheelie but with both wheels at once. It’s all about balance, so start off slowly and build up your speed as you become more comfortable. Work to coordinate your arms, legs, and feet for best results when executing this trick.
  3. Barspin: A barspin is where you spin the handlebars around from one side of your body to the other while in mid-air or while riding on flat terrain; use this trick to add an extra layer of style and maneuverability to air maneuvers or ground tricks as well as just keep your ride interesting!
  4. Tailwhip: A tailwhip is all about mastering momentum; it requires spinning the bike 360 degrees by pushing down with one foot on either side of the back tire while launching into a jump or ramp—a great way to change directions quickly!
  5. Wildcat: This move involves learning how to pull yourself up into a standing position while on one wheel; learning this will improve your balance and show off your style during maneuvers!

With these basics in mind, remember that practice makes perfect — be sure to stay focused and practice these tricks repeatedly until they become second nature!

Explanation of basic tricks such as bunny hops, manual, and wheelies

Bunny hops are one of the first basic tricks to learn for BMX bike trick riding. This trick requires riders to lift their front and rear wheels off the ground simultaneously and use their arms and legs to propel their bikes backwards or forwards in a continuous motion. To do a bunny hop, start by rolling your bike at a slow speed, then crouch down while leaning forward slightly as you press your pedals down and spring off the ground using your arms and legs.

Manual tricks require riders to balance on two wheels while moving along at slower speeds than bunny hops. These require the rider to be able to stay in control even when switching hands mid-air or during spins. To perform a manual trick, start by balancing on one wheel while standing still—this is called a “wheelie”—then accelerate slightly while keeping your torso low and lifting your opposite foot off the pedal. When you’re ready, switch hands mid-air, pushing down with the new hand onto the opposite pedal as you get closer to the ground until you land firmly back down on both wheels again.

Wheelies are another BMX bike trick that involves riders balancing on just one wheel for extended periods of time, either upright or with their bodies leaning backward or forward depending on preference. These tricks can range from basic speed wheelies where riders increase in speed before hitting a jump or obstacle that sends them into an aerial spin; more complex versions feature more spins, air time and lower handlebar height than basic versions do have. To execute these requires great strength in terms of pushing pedals aggressively with both feet at the same time in order for riders to stand up on just one wheel with only their arms controlling their direction and balance throughout different motions in mid-air or keeping things going consistently over flat terrain or low jumps/obstacles.

Step-by-step guide to performing each trick

Whether you’re a BMX beginner or an experienced rider, learning new tricks is always fun and challenging. Before you attempt a trick, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of balance, momentum and control. Additionally, having the right gear for your type of riding is essential for a successful result.

To get the most out of each BMX trick you should be sure to practice and perfect the basics first; start with easy tricks such as wheelies, bunny hops, roll-backs and manual balance. Once you’ve got those down pat, you can move on to more complicated tricks such as barspins, tailwhips or tabletop variations.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to perform each BMX trick:


  1. Roll forward at medium speed on your bike while straightening your body and arms out in front of you.
  2. As you go forward lean back on the handlebars gently shifting your weight back onto the rear wheel.
  3. When you feel balanced keep rolling forward at an even speed until the front wheel lifts off from ground naturally.
  4. Now that the rear wheel maintains contact with ground, allowing for easy control over balance, gradually ease up on the handlebars allowing for more control till completion of Wheelie.

Bunny Hop:

  1. Start off by riding at medium speed & shift weight onto balls of feet & arms positioned inwards. This would help create force as well as make it easier to turn pedals faster when feet are lifted higher up from ground reaching near chest level or even higher when hopping onto obstacles & curved surfaces respectively.
  2. As soon as peddling begins, push downward hard with both legs while leaning forwards allowing pedals to override resistance creating some form of spring motion that would allow momentum towards lift off & gradual rise up in air depending upon execution accuracy & speed created through peddling.


  1. Make sure both wheels are rolling evenly during take off preferably through ramps or basic flat surfaces available in parks.
  2. Place feet around mid part of frame expecting body weight to slightly pressure downwards during execution phase overall making turning too sharp tougher & keeping progression steady momentum wise while leading towards intended destination accurately.

3– When both wheels reach side destination begin pedaling counteract pressure applied through before mentioned technique which allows one spinning motion backwards maintaining same position yet still gaining progress motion wise ultimately allowing desired roll back outcome taking place gradually upon completion

Manual Balance:

1– Position yourself comfortably over bike allowing hands long enough distance globally lifted above handle bar( inch between handle bar GRAB).

2 – Begin pushing firmly downwards exerting some force into surface that promises steady movements while mind starts controlling rotation motions specifically designed upon proper slow process initiation gradually expecting full balance along route towards ending spot consistently each time it’s being attempted properly.


III. Intermediate BMX bike tricks

Intermediate BMX bike tricks can be intimidating but can lead to some amazing results if you stick with it. To get started, the following are some tricks you should keep in mind.

-Cradles: Cradles are a classic trick used to switch up your momentum. They require the rider to rock back and forth on the frame while maintaining control of their handlebars and pedals.

-Tabletop Grinds: Tabletop grinds are one of the best tricks to show off your skills in your local skate park. This is done by controlling the front wheel once in a grind and using it to propel yourself up onto a tabletop or rail.

-Tailwhips: Tailwhips require precision, style, and timing to complete successfully. The trick involves spectacular airtime and coordination as your wheel completes full rotation around the handle bars while out of sight before landing it with style.

-360s: To complete a 360 on any BMX bike requires poise and control for full torque as you rotate your bike through 360 degrees after take off. Advanced coupling of this trick includes jumps over gaps or other obstacles during full 360 rotations for extra airtime style points!

These advanced BMX tricks will create an opportunity for you to push yourself further even if it seems daunting at first but with practice, dedication, and perseverance all is possible!

Explanation of intermediate tricks such as tail whips, 180s, and fakies

Intermediate BMX bike tricks such as tail whips, 180s, and fakies can be some of the most impressive stunts to pull off. Learning these intermediate tricks can be intimidating but with the proper technique and safety precautions you will have a greater chance of success.

Tail whips are one of the most popular intermediate BMX tricks and involve doing a complete spin in mid-air while simultaneously whipping the bike’s back wheel around. To pull off a successful tail whip, you will need to put your feet on either side of the seat and bring your arms up and back. As you jump, you should start rotating your body in anticipation of flipping and then pulling the bike across your body as it flips. Make sure to practice this trick with a friend at first who can help guide you through it properly for safety reasons and then once you get comfortable, start doing tailwhips by yourself.

Another common intermediate BMX trick is a 180 which involves jumping into an air stunt that finishes in the direction from which it began. To do a proper 180, make sure to gain momentum before attempting this trick by pedaling ahead fast and launching off from both feet while pumping up slightly. Once in mid-air simply spin yourself around to face forward again before landing safely onto the ground.

Last but not least are fakies which are tricks that involve riding backwards or against rotation while performing different stunts such as hops or jumps on half pipes or other rails set ups found in skate parks or similar terrain features. To attempt this type of trick make sure to lean back into your seat for extra control when starting out and practice turning around tight circles so that you can become comfortable riding backwards with greater agility before attempting bigger moves like fakies on jumps or half pipes.

Advanced BMX bike tricks

BMX bike tricks have been around for a long time and have become an integral part of the scene. Fortunately, there are many books, videos, and websites which teach riders how to master the more complex tricks. However, executing advanced BMX tricks can be incredibly dangerous and should not be attempted without proper guidance from experienced riders or professionals.

In this section, we will review some of the most well-known advanced tricks in greater detail. This include:

  • 180s – A 180 is when a rider spins their bike entirely around while in mid-air. The 180 can also be combined with other spins or flips to increase its difficulty.
  • Doubles – A double is when a rider spins or flips their bike twice before landing on the ground again.
  • Barspins– A barspin is a trick where the rider grabs onto their handlebar while spinning in one direction multiple times before landing again.
  • Tailwhips–A tailwhip is a trick where a rider jumps off of their back wheel while spinning it quickly in one direction multiple times before landing again.
  • Decade–The Decade is an incredibly difficult move which involves both flipping and spinning the bike at least four times consecutively before landing safely on both pedals again.
  • Flairs – The flair is similar to the decade move but requires even more rotations (typically five). It’s generally considered one of the hardest BMX bike tricks to master properly.

Safety should always come first; therefore, it’s important to start with basic stunts until you have developed your strength, balance and coordination before attempting any complex maneuvers like doubles or decade movements mentioned above. Always wear protective gear such as helmets, wrist guards and knee pads when riding regardless of skill level—it could save your life! Finally, take your time learning; practice makes perfect!

Explanation of advanced tricks such as backflips, 360s, and grinds

The world of BMX can be intimidating, but with the right knowledge and support, you can push your skills even further. Although bike tricks are intuitive, they may require you to put yourself in uncomfortable positions and try moves that you’re not used to. Fortunately, there are some basics that once mastered will help you progress faster towards the advanced level.

Backflips: This trick requires balance, courage and control to pull off correctly. Start out with a few roll-down jumps at first until your comfort level increases and try from a lower jump box before attempting a ramp. Your feet should be on the pegs and your arms should be bent before popping up in the air. Once in the air press down with your feet hard as if to press out a backflip or double-back flip then rotate your upper body backwards while pulling up on the bars so as to keep them tucked in close to your chest when landing back on the ground.

360s: A 360 spin is a surprisingly basic trick you can use both slow and fast paced lines when linking a section together of jumps or down ramps/railings. When prepping for this move it’s important to keep all limbs loose while keeping an eye open for possible obstacles within line of sight since this rotation can take quite some time depending on skill level.To perform this trick properly there needs to be commitment as it takes time so rhythmically hop before rotating in one direction for two or three times just like with any other biking trick – flat or curved track manipulation included!

Grinds: The concept behind grinds is similar other tricks but with one added element; rails! Grinding is essential for those looking towards taking their riding up a notch and mastering every type of terrain needed by including lip tricks onto their repertoire. Get comfortable launching off several different types of rails including flat railers along curbs for true grinding potential trial attempting grinds from highest available starting points first rather than knee scraping from lower levels then working upwards as confidence increases over time!

Step-by-step guide to performing each trick

A step-by-step guide is essential when learning how to pull off BMX bike tricks. Have patience: it takes time and practice to master the subtle nuances of each trick. The key is to focus on learning the basics, then gradually adding nuances and advanced techniques with each practice session. The following steps can help you get started with learning any new tricks:

1) Understand the physics and mechanics of the trick – Learn what muscles need to be used, where your weight should be distributed for a successful trick, and learn how much speed and torque is necessary for completing a successful rotation or turn.

2) Start slow – Start on flat ground with low speed, so you have time to adjust your body’s position before attempting a rotation or jump. A few gentle runs down a hill can help build up muscle memory so you start feeling more comfortable during each run.

3) Take baby steps – This means breaking down complex tricks into smaller components so that they become easier to learn and execute correctly each time they are attempted. Focus on one technique at a time, build up confidence in basic maneuvers (i.e., bunny hops), then gradually add more technical aspects as you feel comfortable with them (i.e., 180 degrees spins).

4) Visualize success– Run through the sequence in your head prior to attempting any new BMX bike tricks in order to anticipate potential mistakes or missteps ahead of time; Practicing mental visualization can help prepare your mind for success!

5) Practice technique adjustments – Depending on rider weight & other factors such as speed or terrain, various small adjustments may be necessary in order for any given move to be successfully executed; Keep adjusting these variables until you are able to consistently perform any given trick correctly & confidently every time it is attempted!


Hopefully this guide has given you some valuable information about how to learn new BMX bike tricks and improve your overall skills. Remember to take it slow at first, and devote time and attention to practicing any particular trick. Use the advice your peers offer and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

When you feel ready, start taking risks and pushing boundaries so that you can really master new tricks. Finally, always wear the appropriate safety equipment; it could help save your life!

With patience, dedication and confidence you will soon be able to conquer any difficult trick or obstacle. We wish you the best of luck in your BMX bike journey!


How can I improve my BMX skills?

  • Practice regularly and consistently.
  • Focus on mastering the basics before moving on to advanced tricks.
  • Watch and learn from other riders, both in person and online.
  • Push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things.
  • Get feedback from more experienced riders or coaches to identify areas for improvement.
  • Incorporate strength and conditioning exercises into your routine to build physical stamina and prevent injury.

What BMX trick should I learn first?

It’s recommended to start with basic tricks like bunny hops, manuals, and wheelies before moving on to more complex maneuvers like 360s or tail whips. These foundational skills will help you build the balance, control, and coordination needed to execute more advanced tricks safely and effectively.

How do you learn tricks on BMX?

  • Start by breaking down the trick into its component parts and practicing each one individually.
  • Focus on proper body positioning and technique, including weight distribution, balance, and momentum.
  • Practice the trick repeatedly, starting at a slower speed and gradually building up to full speed.
  • Get feedback from more experienced riders or coaches to identify areas for improvement.
  • Incorporate visualization and mental practice to help build confidence and reduce fear.

How to do skills with BMX bicycle?

  • Start by mastering the basic skills like balance, control, and coordination.
  • Learn the proper body positioning and technique for each skill you want to learn.
  • Practice the skill repeatedly, starting at a slower speed and gradually building up to full speed.
  • Focus on building strength and endurance through regular physical conditioning.
  • Get feedback from more experienced riders or coaches to identify areas for improvement.

How do I boost my BMX jump?

  • Start by building up your strength and endurance through regular physical conditioning.
  • Practice the proper technique for jumping, including weight distribution, speed, and trajectory.
  • Focus on building confidence and reducing fear by visualizing successful jumps and practicing mental preparedness.
  • Start with smaller jumps and gradually work your way up to larger ones.
  • Get feedback from more experienced riders or coaches to identify areas for improvement.

What are the basic skills for BMX?

Basic skills for BMX include balance, coordination, control, jumping, turning, and manualing. These skills form the foundation for more advanced tricks and maneuvers.

Is BMX good for health?

Yes, BMX can be a great form of exercise and is beneficial for cardiovascular health, strength and endurance, balance, coordination, and overall fitness.

Does BMX make you strong?

Yes, BMX can help build strength in your legs, core, and upper body through the physical demands of riding and executing tricks.

What is the best diet for BMX racing?

A balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and hydration is important for BMX racing. It’s also important to consume enough calories to support the energy demands of riding and training.

What is the most important part of a BMX bike?

The most important part of a BMX bike is arguably the frame, which provides the foundation for the bike’s overall structure and determines its size, weight, and durability. Other important components include the wheels, brakes, pedals, and handlebars.

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